William D. Chen

Google Scholar

About Me

I am an Electrical Engineering PhD student at Caltech where I am advised by Prof. Mohammad Mirhosseini (lab website). My research is on developing on-chip microwave-optical quantum transducers, with the ultimate goal of enabling distributed quantum computers and long-distance quantum networks. I am supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

I obtained a B.A. in Physics and Computer Science and M.S. in Physics from University of Pennsylvania in Spring 2022. My undergraduate research was in cryo-electron tomography advised by Prof. Yi-Wei Chang (lab website). The focus of my research was on developing novel computational systems and chemical imaging methods for cryo-electron tomography.


Please see my Google Scholar profile for an up-to-date list of publications.


Outside of research, I enjoy being in the mountains of Southern California, watching films, and following professional sports.